The cookie policy

KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. uses cookies to improve the quality of use of the site // This cookie policy is part of the Privacy Policy KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. and concerns the use of cookies in interaction between the device and the company website. The company also provides basic information about the services it may use, provided by third parties, which may also use cookies as part of the service provided, but are not covered by the company policy.

If you do not wish to allow the use of cookies, you must configure your browser so that it does not accept cookies from the // site, but you should be aware that such a refusal to allow the use of cookies may mean that the company will not be able to provide you with certain content and services that interest you.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file (a small amount of data) stored by a website on a user’s device while visiting the website, usually containing information about the website itself, a unique identifier that allows the website to recognize the user’s browser on the next visit, as well as additional data that serves the purpose of particular types of cookies and maintaining the cookies themselves.

The cookies enable certain functions (e.g. login), tracking the use of the site (e.g. data analysis), saving user settings (e.g. time zone information, notification preferences) and personalising content (e.g. advertising, language).

The cookies placed on a user’s device by a website you visit are usually referred to as the site’s “own cookies” and usually only track user activity within the site. Cookies placed on users’ devices by other sites and companies (i.e. third parties) are called “third party cookies” and can be used to track users’ activity on other websites using the same third party service.

The types of cookies and how to use them

The necessary cookies

The necessary cookies are crucial for the use of the website, enabling basic functions such as login, account management, shopping cart handling and payment processing. We do not use these types of cookies on our website.

Site analysis cookies

The site’s analysis cookies are used to track the use of the site by those who visit it, but they do not collect personal information about you. The data they process is usually anonymous and is aggregated with information about all website users to help companies better understand trends in visits, identify and diagnose problems or errors that users may encounter, and make better strategic decisions about how to improve your website experience. This type of cookie may be placed on your device by the website you visit (your own files) or by third party services. KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. uses cookies that analyze the operation of its website.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are used to collect information about website users’ devices and any settings that can be configured on the website you visit (e.g. language and time zone settings). With this information, sites can provide customized, improved or optimized content and services. This type of cookie may be placed on devices by the website you visit (your own files) or by a service provided by third parties. KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. uses functional cookies for selected functions within the company website.

Advertising cookies/receivers defining cookies

Advertising cookies/conversion cookies are used to determine which promotional content is more relevant and appropriate for a particular user and his interests. Sites may use this type of cookie to deliver profiled ads or to limit the number of times a particular ad is displayed. This helps companies improve the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns as well as the quality of the content presented. This type of cookie may be placed on your device by the website(s) you visit (your own files) or by third party services. Advertising cookies/cookies defining recipients placed on users’ devices by third parties may be used to track users’ activity on other websites using the same third party service. KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. does not use this type of cookies on its website.

Third party cookies on the company website

Websites KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. can use the services of independent companies and individuals – for example, analytical service providers and partners providing content. KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. provides such third parties with access to selected information in order to perform specific tasks on behalf of the company. These parties may also place their own cookies on users’ devices that are used to provide the above-mentioned services. Third party cookies may be used to track user activity on other websites using the same third party service. Since KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o. has no control over third party cookies, they are not covered by the company’s cookie policy.

KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o.&nbsp’s commitment to data privacy protection by third parties

KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o.  verifies the privacy policies of all third party providers before contracting their services to ensure that their privacy policies are consistent with those of  KP Prosperity Sp. z o.o.  the Company will never knowingly use the services of third parties that do not guarantee privacy protection or violate the privacy of users of the Company’s website.

Ability to control or object to the use of cookies

If you do not wish to allow cookies to be stored on your device, you must configure your browser so that it does not accept cookies from this website. Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can update these settings to completely disable cookies or to notify you when a website tries to save or update a cookie.

If you are browsing websites from multiple devices, you may need to update these settings on each device.

Though some cookies may be blocked with only a minimal impact on the operation of the site, blocking all cookies may mean that it will not be possible to access certain features and content on the sites visited.

Self-made website cookies

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

When IP anonymisation is enabled on a site, these addresses will be shortened in the Member States of the European Union or other contracting parties located in the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases may the entire IP address first be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP anonymisation function works on the entire website.

Google will use this information, acting on behalf of the website operator, to analyse the user’s use of the website, to create reports on website traffic and to provide other services related to website activity and Internet use.

The IP address that your browser transmits as part of the data provided by Google Analytics will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you refuse the use of cookies, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can also object to being tracked by Google Analytics (effect for the future, not retroactive) by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Blocking Add-on for your current browser: //

Google Maps uses a built-in Google Maps service within the site. Some data may be transferred to Google Inc. You can change your privacy settings for Google products at the following address: //


The following types of cookies may be placed in the browser of users of this website when they visit it.

The cookie name: nmstat

The type of cookie: permanent – expires after 1000 days

This cookie is used to store information about how a user uses the site. It is used to collect statistical data about website usage, for example, information about when a particular user last visited the website. This information is then used to improve your experience of the site. This Siteimprove Analytics cookie contains a randomly generated identifier used to recognize your browser while you are browsing the site. The file does not contain personal data and is used solely to analyse data relating to Internet activity.

The name of the cookie: siteimproveses

Session file type: session file

This cookie is only used to record information about the order of pages that you access within the site. This information can be used to reduce the number of clicks a user has to make in order to move from one place to another and to enable visitors to find the relevant information more quickly.

The name of the cookie: szcookiechoice

Session file type: session file

This cookie is used to determine whether a user has allowed or blocked the use of cookies. This option only works if you use the Siteimprove Cookie Info Banner.

The name of the cookie: _cfduid

The type of cookie: permanent

The “_cfduid” cookie is used by CloudFlare to identify trusted internet traffic. It does not match any user ID in the web application, nor does it store any personal information in the cookie. See: How does the CloudFlare cfduid cookie work?

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