KP Prosperity offers a package of comprehensive logistics services to optimise storage and distribution.

We offer specialized logistics solutions and warehouses tailored to the requirements of various industries. We offer warehouses and distribution centres with temperature control available in many locations to meet the requirements of food and perishable goods as well as pharmaceuticals and medical devices. For high-tech and electronic products, our customers can benefit from modern, monitored warehouses as well as comprehensive security concepts.

We optimize the logistics in your company, reaching the areas where we are needed. Based on our extensive know-how and experience in this area, we help you increase process efficiency and turn fixed costs into variable costs.

In logistics centres located all over the world, we provide contract logistics services, distribution solutions and a wide range of services. We save your time and money by giving you the opportunity to focus on business development.

Contact us

Write to us or call us, then we will provide you with a free quote for your transport or storage. Trust the specialists and see for yourself that the ideal solution is within reach!

Our other services

Road transport

We provide regular connections and short transit times throughout Europe.

Maritime transport

Our reliable shipping services ensure safe and timely delivery of goods to every continent.
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