Transport and logistics

We provide road transport and logistics services throughout Europe and, globally, maritime transport – for virtually every industry. With ten years of experience in the industry, we provide our customers with optimized solutions to help them run their business successfully.

Our offer


Road transport

We provide regular connections and short transit times throughout Europe. Our extensive network and selected group of carriers ensure timely and secure delivery of your goods.

Maritime transport

Our reliable shipping services ensure safe and timely deliveries to every continent.



We offer a comprehensive package of services to optimize inventory, stock levels and full order fulfilment.

Four reasons to use KP Prosperity:



Do you need to send a product to a customer at the other end of Europe? Do you need to deliver it tomorrow? Everybody says: “It’s impossible”? KP Prosperity can provide all this and much more, we can arrange the transport of such routes on a daily basis. For example: today we load goods in Berlin, our destination is Barcelona. And you know what? We deliver it the next day!

Timing & Costs

Does your company’s product line need to be on the market at a certain time? Cost control is a difficult task and the additional responsibility for managing freight transport can be overwhelming. Our understanding of logistics management offers a distinctive competitive advantage. We work with a variety of customers, with different sizes and reach, so we offer solutions that reduce supply chain costs, keeping customers in control of costs and delivery times. Do you want to incur costs or miss the opportunity to increase revenue if your product is not on the shelf or in the right place? With KP Prosperity you have full support and peace of mind.


Od projektu do precyzyjnego wykonania, jesteśmy profesjonalistami w dziedzinie transportu, cechuje nas zaangażowanie na każdym kroku naszej drogi do tego, by zapewnić Państwu najwłaściwsze i najoszczędniejsze rozwiązania transportowe, jakie nasza branża ma do zaoferowania. KP Prosperity ma do dyspozycji ponad 400 dedykowanych aut transportowych i jest uznawany za nowoczesną firmę spedycyjną w Europie.

Comprehensive solutions

Does your company need delivery services that are not available on the market? Do these services require driver’s assistance during unloading? Can your company benefit from the many long routes that are carried out daily? If the answer is YES to any or all of the above questions about the services provided, our solutions are just for you.

Contact us

Write to us or call us, then we will provide you with a free quote for your transport or storage. Trust the specialists and see for yourself that the ideal solution is within reach!

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